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Coaching Academy prepares church leaders for congregational transformation

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Ecumenical partnership raised to the next level

Michael Whitman

In the past eight years, hundreds of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregations have participated in a process called New Beginnings, developed and offered initially by Church Extension and now by Hope Partnership, that helps congregations assess their current condition, strengths and opportunities as they seek to answer the question, “What is God calling our […]

“Is it a bell curve or a sine wave?”

bell curve

Thanks to Indiana Regional Minister Rick Spleth for this perspective on Hope Partnership’s New Beginnings Assessment Service, which has helped hundreds of congregations make courageous decisions about their future direction.

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Denominations join efforts to help Texas congregations make New Beginnings

Transformed and empowered leaders are critical to leading congregations to do God’s mission in the world in this challenging era in congregational life. Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation offers leadership and ministry resources that help raise up these leaders and prepare their congregations for transformation.

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