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Leadership Academy 2016 Recap

Leadership Academy 2016 Recap

Leadership Academy 2016 Recap

Monday Night Worship – Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins

Leading in Chaotic Times – Rev. Rich McCullen

Power of Questions – Rev. Dr. Rick Morse

Tuesday Night Worship – Rev. Aaron Smith

Crazy Courageous Leaders – Rev. Terrell L. McTyer

Self-Differentiation – Rev. Dr. Gilberto Collazo

Multiplying Your Leadership – Rev. Dr. Preston Adams

Engaging Your Context – Rev. Dr. Gilberto Collazo

Models of Planting – Rev. Sammy Robles

Personal Convictions – Rev. Dr. Preston Adams

Commissioning Service – Rev. Lori Tapia


Books and Additional Resources

Church Unique: How Missional Leaders Cast Vision, Capture Culture, and Create Movement by Will Mancini

World in Chaos Video


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