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NurtureCoaching Qualifications of a Coach

Qualifications of a Coach


  • At least two years as a successful pastor or lay leader in a Christian Church
  • Experience in church planting or redevelopment
  • Good standing with the local Church and region
  • Able to travel to attend training
  • Spiritually and biblically grounded
  • Good listening skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to care and yet challenge
  • Creative thinking to help develop strategies for each unique context
  • Ability to encourage and motivate
  • Knowledge of the skills needed for effectively starting or transforming churches
  • Maturity and integrity
  • Displays the passion to reach new people for Christ through the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
  • Willingness to devote time and energy to this ministry
  • Strong Disciples identity


A Coach’s Job Description 

A coach will work with up to four pastors over a maximum of one year.  A coach:

  • Is a prayer partner for the pastor and an intercessor for the project
  • Helps the pastor keep a clear focus on the vision, mission and values of the project
  • Helps the pastor develop strategies for fulfilling the congregation’s mission
  • Helps the pastor set priorities and goals and accomplish them
  • Helps the pastor deal with challenges and obstacles, learn from failures, celebrate successes and find patience when it is needed
  • Encourages spiritual growth and healthy work/life balance
  • Works with project sponsors (region, congregations, etc.) to hold the pastor accountable for good ministry performance
  • Updates Coordinator of Coaching by submitting monthly reports