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Plant Antioch Network

Antioch Network

Imagine blending the gifts of creative individuals and entrepreneurs, growing established Disciples congregations, leadership development resources and talented new church planters.  The result would be the Antioch Network, an innovative service of Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation.

The Antioch Network identifies and recruits promising and creative planters and then matches them with outstanding experienced Disciples pastors and entrepreneurial lay leaders of exceptional and growing congregations.

The goal of the Antioch Network is to establish 20 exceptional new congregations in the next decade. Each new flagship congregation would possibly reach an average worship attendance of 500.

Who is the Antioch Network?

  • Hope Partnership team
  • New church advocates
  • Business leaders from the wider Church
  • Established church pastors
  • Successful new church planters


Download the Antioch Network brochure.