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Plant Spiritual Discernment

Spiritual Discernment

“Ask, it will be given you; search, and you will find, knock, and the door will be opened for you.” Matthew 7:7

Congratulations, you have taken the first step by expressing an interest in starting a new church. Now it is time to seek God on your next steps in ministry.

The Spiritual Discernment Guide, a 30-day journey of self-reflection and listening to God’s voice, helps you to discern if you are called to plant a new church.

The Hope Partnership team wants to walk with you on your journey to discern your calling to the new church movement. The activities we offer will help you “see” what God is doing and “hear” what God is saying to you.

God, are you calling me to be a new church planter?

Spiritual discernment is an opportunity to explore God’s calling and direction in your life. It is a process of listening for God through scripture, becoming more aware of the spiritual gifts God has given you, learning from church planters, self-evaluation and prayer. It’s a time of clarity – seeing your life and circumstances through God’s eyes, thus being able to see more clearly the path God wants you to follow.  As God’s plans are revealed to you through the Holy Spirit, you gain understanding of what is truly from God and what is from other sources.

As you position yourself to be receptive to God, you will ask the Holy Spirit to help you develop some essential attitudes and approaches to practice daily.

Faith – We act on the belief that God loves us more than we can imagine and wants only the best for us. We act on the belief that God will guide those who seek God’s leadership in their lives.

Detachment – We ask for the grace to “let go” of our desires, so that we can desire God’s will above everything.

Faithfulness – We realize that God’s Spirit moves in God’s time, and that we may not receive instant answers. And, we remain prayerful when direction is unclear.

Attentiveness – Pay attention to how God is communicating with us in the events and encounters of our daily lives, not just when we intentionally pray.

Love – We seek to go deeper in relationship with God because we respond in love to the One who first loved us. We cannot seek to know God’s will, apart from knowing God. God’s will is revealed in a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ.