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Resource Webinars


Previous webinars:

Help! Our Congregation Needs a New Beginning!

Does your church feel stuck in neutral? Are offerings going down while costs keep going up? Is the neighborhood around your church changing?
What is God calling your congregation to do and be today?
Join us for a webinar about Hope Partnership’s New Beginnings Assessment Service. Learn how it can help your congregation assess options for ministry and make bold descisions for the future. It’s no surprise that many churches are facing tough questions about their survival and sustainability, but many are also finding courage and support to initate a New Beginning.

The Pastor as a Coach: Encouraging the Ministry of Others

Each of us has felt ‘stuck’ at some point.  We struggle to achieve a goal.  We exhaust our supply of resources.  We don’t know which path to take.  And in these moments, a coach can be a valuable voice.

Despite what we see during the Super Bowl, a coach is someone who gently walks alongside us.  Asking questions to help us explore our situation.  Offering perspective so we can find the answer within.  A good coach is different from a mentor or a advice-giver.  A coach listens deeply, helping us hear more plainly our own voice and the voice of God.

Join us for a lively conversation about ministry coaching, from the perspective of a pastor who also coaches other pastors.  Rev. Preston Adams is pastor of Amazing Grace Christian Church and our guest for this Hope Partnership webinar.

You may be a pastor who is interested in strengthening your coaching skills for use in your congregation.  Or you may be a coach yourself.  You are welcome to join us for this thought-provoking and inspiring conversation!

Turning Your Church’s Future Story into Reality

So your congregation has drafted a compelling future story, but you’re struggling with implementation.  Or maybe you’ve made some progress and are looking for the next right step.  It’s no surprise that implementing a new vision is tough.  The “tyranny of the urgent” distracts us and derails our best-laid plans.  So what can we do?

This free webinar led by Rick Morse will help you and your congregation’s leaders address the “how”:  How do we turn our vision into reality?  During this 45 minute session, we will examine a sample future story and dissect it to find its strategic elements.  We will explore how to build capacities, set timelines and develop expertise.

A Conversation with Church Planter David Shirey Since 2001, Disciples have planted more than 800 new congregations.  The leaders behind these new church starts make many sacrifices.  Their families bear many burdens in order to make these dreams a reality.  Pastor David Shirey knows well the highs and lows of church planting.

In 2002, Rev. Shirey started Coolwater Christian Church in Scottsdale, AZ.  He and his family endured many challenges and many blessings.  Join us to hear David’s beautiful and profound story of planting a church in the Arizona desert.

  Clergy Self Care: The Freedom of Boundaries The demands of ministry are more stressful now than ever.  Expectations for ministers are often unattainable and frequently unspoken.  If we don’t attend to boundaries, our lives can become divided and threaten to force us from ministry. The webinar is led by Chesla Nickelson. Chesla is Minister for Leader Development at Hope Partnership.  She has Master’s Degrees in both Divinity and Marriage & Family Therapy from Christian Theological Seminary.  Originally from Virginia, she now lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.

What Goes into Starting a Church? A Conversation with Church Planter Anita Cobb What goes into starting a new church? Curious about the joys and challenges of starting a new faith community?
Five Common Mistakes That Churches Make When Visioning Has your church ever done strategic planning that didn’t lead anywhere?  Does it feel like your church’s vision statements don’t result in anything new? Watch this free webinar about the common “visioning” pitfalls made by congregations – and learn how to lead your church in a different direction.
So You’re Thinking About Planting a New Church? Church planting is a unique form of ministry — exciting, entrepreneurial, rebellious, frightening, tiring and fulfilling.  And since 2001, more than 800 people have stepped out in faith to plant new Disciples congregations.  Is God calling you to consider this ministry?  Are you wondering what it takes?  Looking for a few next steps as you discern this call? Watch this engaging conversation about discerning the call to plant a new church, led by Rev. Dr. Charlie Wallace, Minister for New Church Strategies at Hope Partnership.
Caring for Your Congregation’s Volunteers What would our church accomplish without volunteers?  Not much!  Our ministries are built on the sacrifice and skill of many dedicated people. And yet, our church volunteers are frequently overlooked and undertrained.  Burnout is at an all-time high in churches.  So what can you do to increase your volunteer engagement? Join us for this insightful and engaging conversation about how we can better care for our church volunteers. Pastors, board members, lay leaders — this free webinar is for you!
“Leadership” may be the buzz word du jour, but we cannot overlook its importance in our congregations.  With the wrong kind of leadership, situations can move quickly from bad to worse.  But with the right kind of leadership, even bad situations can be transformed into something life-giving again.  So what styles of leadership do you and others in your church practice?Whether you are a pastor or lay leader, watch this free webinar about practicing transformational church leadership, led by Rick Morse.  We’ll explore the unique leadership style needed to bring new life to your church, and ways to encourage transformational leadership in others!