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Tier Two

Fee:  $1,200 (Fees subject to change)

For congregations who would like a face-to-face visit from Hope Partnership, but prefer a self-led process.

  • Mission Insite context analysis report – Hope Partnership provides a current and detailed snapshot of your community, including charts and maps showing your unique community features. View a sample report here.
  • On-site visit with two-hour consultation and windshield tour – Through a face-to-face consultation, Hope Partnership helps your leaders unpack the key themes in the demographic data and name opportunities for future ministry.  We will also conduct a windshield tour of the community, helping leaders identify key factors to effective ministry.
  • Ministry planning guide – Hope Partnership will provide church leaders with a written outline for ministry planning to help them lead the process for the congregation.
  • 45 days of coaching to assist with process – Hope Partnership staff will be available by phone and web to coach you pastor and/or other key leaders as they lead the church in ministry planning.  Information about additional coaching is available here.

OPTIONALOn-site Congregational Assessment visit and report – This one-day visit by a trained assessor will help your church identify available resources for mission (including financial, facility and human resources).  The report serves as a helpful benchmark as your congregation begins the planning process.  This can be added to Tier Two for $1,500.