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TransformMission Pathways Success Stories

Success Stories

MissionPathways resources were introduced in 2012, but Hope Partnership is already beginning to see how these resources help lead congregations to the next level in their ministry.

Some congregations need help with only a part the process.  For example, one congregation near Birmingham, Ala., requested assistance with context analysis. Hope Partnership led them through an examination of their local community, using high-powered demographics tools and web-based guidance to help them highlight ministry opportunities.  This is a low-cost option for congregations.

Some congregations appreciate having a coach who can guide the process from start to finish.  A congregation in Fort Worth, Texas invited Hope Partnership to assess their resources and community context, in addition to shepherding the congregation as they named a vision and designed a path to get there.  Since travel was required, the cost for this level of service was higher.

In Los Angeles, a Disciples congregation had already sold their oversized building.  They were looking for a new space to meet, but wanted clarity about their mission before they made a decision on location.  Hope Partnership helped them name their resources, define their unique calling and set them on a path to a new season of ministry.